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Beach Resort
Relax, revive, rejuvenate at Asaasi Yaa, our beach resort on the Atlantic in Kokrabite, Ghana. The perfect sport fro a retreat, for artists looking to rekindle creativity, for families or travelers wishing to experience the vibrant culture of Ghana in a pristine atmosphere by the sea just minutes from a local village. Asaasi Yaa features 9 guest rooms, a cafe, a children's area, a performance area for live music and dance events, and many cultural and recreational activities.
Experience Culture
Ghana is a small country on the west coast of Africa, known for its cultural heritage such as music, dance, craftsmanship, and the arts. Asaasi Yaa is a place of cultural exchange. Experience activities specific to wonderful Ghana. Mix with the locals to gain insight into Ghanaian ways of life. Learn a bit of the local language. Learn to prepare and sample traditional Ghanaian cuisine and more.
A portion of our earnings go to support charity work in Ghana. We support Project OKURASE, an NGO that is working to build the Nkabom Centre for Skills Training and Formal Education in a remote village in the eastern region ( The focus of Project OKURASE’s work is women and orphans and vulnerable children.